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The Marshall Plan at 70: The Marshall Plan in Soviet Cartoons

2017 is the 70th anniversary of the Marshall Plan

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Through Soviet Eyes: The Marshall Plan at 70!

2017 marks the 70th year of the Marshall Plan, an initiative in which the United States gave over $13 billion in economic support to help rebuild Western European economies after the end of World War II.  Many thought The Marshall Plan was a great idea; however, the Soviets, who refused to participate, thought otherwise. The Marshall Center Research Library is fortunate to own three collections of editorial cartoons (1948-1951), highlighting Soviet criticism of the Plan. In conjunction with other events taking place this summer, including an exhibition at the Research Library, you will find posters of these cartoons  displayed around Sheridan and Artillery Kaserne.  

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NOTE: Click on any picture to see the translation and full-sized image.

Italian-American Peace Treaty

The Mechanics of Devaluation

The Ghosts of Hitler & Mussolini applaud Marshall

Italian Prime Minister de Gasperi carries out his duties

The Lord's Prayer

Complaint of the Marshallized

An unknown politician rides a pale horse (Marshall) into Western Europe; death is labeled "crisis"

W. A. Harriman, dispersing credits under the Marshall Plan

A lifesaver!  Or is it an anchor?

Marshallized Turkey

Greek's Bottomless Barrel

How could we be worse than him?

By the sweat of their brow; Dulles & Marshall cutting down the (UN) tree

The Marshall Plan in action (horse collars for Europe)

Friendship, American style

In Marshallized Greece...

Capitalist Europe on the Upswing


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