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Svalbard Exercise: Stage 4 - Post-Simulation


You have played the simulation as members of a government crisis committee tasked with recommending a viable course of action to prevent and mitigate the escalation and/or effects of hostile irregular warfare. Stepping away from the game and from your roles, please use the experience of the exercise to draw general lessons for how to counter and deter hybrid and irregular threats more effectively, and how it may apply to your region or country in particular.

In the discussion, consider the long-term implications of a Svalbard-type crisis on deterrence, defense and resiliency against hybrid threats and gray-zone tactics. In addition, identify additional measures that could have been taken to prevent this crisis and discuss how measures can be implemented to better prevent escalation when these types of threats occur; think about which policies in the various areas of responsibility should be implemented to make a country more resistant to grey zone tactics in the future, and discuss how resources need to combine and be coordinated between different sectors to ensure comprehensive future strategies to effectively deter against similar scenarios. Identify potential new roles that civil society and the private sector can play in the development of Total Defense and National Resilience, and how government organizations can better engage to coordinate with non-governmental entities and societal actors.

The Best Time to Visit Svalbard



  • Consider the long-term implications of the crisis on deterrence, defense, and resiliency against hybrid threats and gray-zone tactics.
  • What additional measures that were not discussed could have been taken to prevent this crisis? How could measures be implemented to better prevent escalation should these types of threats occur?
  • What policies in the various areas of responsibility of the seminar participants should be implemented to make a country more resistant to gray-zone tactics in the future?
  • How do resources need to combine and be coordinated between different sectors to ensure comprehensive future strategies to effectively deter against similar scenarios?
  • What are the roles of society and private business for development of Total Defense and National Resilience?  How can government organizations best engage, coordinate with, etc., these non-governmental entities?
  • Formulate 1-2 key takeaways from the seminar discussion on the points mentioned above. One representative from each seminar presents these takeaways in the plenary for 5 minutes.



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